Effective facial creams, wrinkle

Dermatologists, cosmetic products and aesthetic treatments that makes the realization of promotional, rather skeptical "всесильности" creams marked with "rejuvenating". Number and depth of wrinkles depends more on age, genetics and lifestyle, instead of which tools are they using man. The expensive cream, which it wasn't, and that doesn't help if a woman is getting enough sleep, eating properly or drinking.

wrinkle Remover cream

Also affects the formation of wrinkles:

  1. For oily skin types. dry skin and the first signs of aging much earlier obladatelnici the difference. Them face cream for anti-wrinkle moisturizing and nourishing effect – product requirements. Oily skin is more firm and elastic, and the need for a long time omolazhivayuschie maintenance.
  2. Kind of aging. Many different types of beauticians aging, wrinkle development, but in terms of two of them: thin and krupnomorshhinistyj. In the first case, the top layer of the epidermis is preserved during formation provoke destructive processes in the mouth and oval face, perfect curves. For the fight "won" for the skin the necessary hydration, nutrition, UV protection and wind. A second arrangement in which gravity changes: ptosis, bags under eyes, sagging eyelids, deep wrinkles, nose, lips, chin and cheeks. Almost unbreakable folds conservative methods of this type an issue. These increase flexibility and strengthen the prevention frame that should contain the person wrinkle cream with lifting effect.
  3. - Intensity ultraviolet radiation. Nothing worse dermatologists claim the skin exposed to sunlight. Full sun, causes premature aging in hot climates severiano and women who are fond of artificial tan. An effective wrinkle Remover cream should contain powerful UV filters.

Yield studies of German scientists, the city's most popular anti-age tools approximately 10 – 15%. Methods to fight wrinkles neinvazivnyi this is a pretty good result. Wrinkles cream actually reduce the intensity and improve your overall skin condition due to preventive action противовозрастной live.

But really good in the mirror, the woman, if you understand clearly what exactly requires to fix the issue and according to them select the cream composition.

The "magic" of the components of anti wrinkle cream – myths and facts

Because the answer to youthful skin components such as collagen fibers, elastin, and hyaluronic acid. Many beauty treatments for their production stimulation, injection and the most popular solution for today gialuronovoi filerami botulotoksin, wrinkles and folds.

myths wrinkle Remover cream

Hyaluronic acid

Nurture an idea, the dermis, these substances have pushed for the establishment of special creams cosmetics laboratory. However, the presence as part of Hyaluronate and protein soedinitelnotkannyx does not provide any advantage. Molecular of these substances to infiltrate more surface skin layer for very large. Умывании they washed first, and if not, well the clogged pores cause pimples and black spots.


Another "magic" component wrinkles – botox. So popular, that became a symbol of rejuvenating treatments. With a fight of this toxin mimichesk my curves really effective, time-Paradiso Nov smorshenna and relaxing to the surrounding skin. However, his influence only one entrance for injection directly into the Nov. Botox cream is a cheap marketing tactic.


to placentarna cosmetics – another myth in the sector of youth and beauty. The placenta contains hormonal substances that are useful extractor, vol. However, the cancellation effect nullifies all attempts at serious adverse events and a lot of rejuvenation.

Royal jelly

Not a panacea and royal jelly. This product contains a lot of valuable beekeeping for the skin with necessary proteins, vitamins, acids, trace elements, but for fighting wrinkles that get better inside – outside is useless.

Stem cell

Recent developments, beauty, instilling hope, the use of extracts of plant stem cells. Own rejuvenating remedies, depending on features such as different plants and the final product is added to the formula.

Some cells, improve skin elasticity, other – thin depth curves and smooth fine wrinkles. For root extracts, give the results, they should in the composition of at least 5%. A wrinkle cream that is recommended after 30 years.

The phytoestrogens

Some herbal components and their structure and action similar to female hormones. The same similarity with human tissues, they penetrate the skin and impact with a powerful anti-ageing effect.

Estrogen is the main hormone that performs the function and the beauty of a woman which is considered фитоэстроген habituation and without damage to health. Wrinkle corrector cream fitogormony concentration that occurs after the age of 40 if 30% of you can count on a good result when used regularly.


Synthetic ingredients, the generated residue, amino acids, peptide is the United Supply Chain Management, representation of a protein macromolecule, talented placed a skin structure. With peptides that reduce barrier properties, reduce muscles and movement, such as botox himicheskoe – rest "emotional" wrinkles.


Peptides stimulating, why active cell division, collagen, and the skin firm and elastic. The rejuvenating effect of these and other powerful connections with women and mature protein shown significantly signs of aging.

Cosmetic manufacturing is a complex and expensive process with peptides, therefore, can cost a good wrinkle cream corrector 50 years later not cheap. The effective concentration of peptides of at least 7%, only 1 g of these substances increases the production cost of 30 euros.


Nanotechnology has arrived, and in the beauty industry, can't fail to please. Ultimately, the size of the liposomes 10 Nm of the decision of the main task: the useful as cosmetic ingredients in the deeper layers of the skin and offer no needle operations. Prisoners nanoscopy anti-aging components to penetrate the dermis and there is free shell the lithosphere that will be resolved.

How to choose wrinkle corrector cream

Anti-age the funds for the iPhone any cosmetic brand. Typically, this is a different age for ladies all designed a ruler. To get the best wrinkle cream, passport figures cannot navigate, and more importantly, enough skin condition assess:

  • the number, depth and appearance of wrinkles, localization them;
  • significant first signs of aging or fading;
  • limosa existence, sagging, dryness and other problems.

Preferably, the present composition included in the product components:

  • retinoids stimulates the production of collagen in the skin;
  • hydrolyzed collagen supports elasticity and Vitality, texture;
  • organic acids (fruit and milk) – the top layer of the epidermis flaky update process, activate the cells;
  • Nov relaxers (argireline, calm, fresh, 3 oz movie) — The natural facial muscles.

Whether an action wrinkle cream should provide:

  • moistening;
  • nutrition;
  • the alignment of the micro relief;
  • UV protection;
  • lymph drainage;
  • gipoallergenno.

An experienced should be taken to choose the best wrinkle cream in your beauty, I will take note all the individual characteristics, problems, skin aging and will recommend the most appropriate vehicle. Непрофессионалу difficult to understand formulations, various products, ruler, manufacturers. In addition, cost, cosmetics, different price segments may be different from time to time, but not always, an expensive business better, cheaper.

How is it applied?

No it does not wrinkle cream instant results. To get a more or less pronounced effect, as a tool to enjoy on a regular basis for at least 28 days. This much time is required to renew the surface layer of the skin rejuvenating by considering the obtained components.

The second rule is anti-aging – систематичность. You should not apply the cream according to the situation, and every day, according to the instructions.

Correct application technique is important to master:

  • Suitable for vehicle wash, and thoroughly clean the skin. Pat your face with a towel.
  • Apply cream and massage lines: the downtown party in a motion from bottom to top.
  • Do not apply pressure to stretch and not skin. By providing trail rides for похлопываниями light cream to massage, blood tide.
  • Use of cream in the face area around the eyes. Purchase special, softer. Application technique – cake: lower the nose, outer corner of the century, then the inner corner. bi a pistol in your face.

Home remedies

home remedies

Making your own homemade face cream recipes wrinkle cosmetic lover definitely follow:

  • The Recipe Cleopatra. Mix with 3 tablespoons of honey 4 tablespoons of milk, apply to the skin homogeneity. After 10 minutes, rinse, wipe with a cloth wet face. The tool warns you and refreshes the appearance of wrinkles, and whiten skin.
  • Vitamin cream. Finely chop fresh dill and add a cup sushenuyu фиалку (5 g), A few drops of oil (jojoba, coconut), vitamins A and E. after 5 minutes, whisk a blender puree until the consistency to spread on your face wash. Whiten skin, wrinkle fighting vitamins and captivate the first.
  • Cream avocado. Meat, mashed avocado, juice, two колечек cucumber, 3 tablespoons of almond oil. Mix, apply on the eye area. A quarter-hour, gently – "crow's feet" is lost.
  • Wax cream. Melt a piece of natural wax, add a few yolks perepelinyx a cup of jojoba oil. Rubber boiling, let it cool and put it on to glass containers. Use a cream day and night.

Don't wait great home creams, they can cope with deep wrinkles and "ispolnyayushhie" face, but wilt to measure for a good fit.